Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone!!!

TMS has been a little quiet lately, but that doesn't mean we haven't been working! As you can see, we've recently added some new contributors to our roster and are super excited about having their content added to the site!

This has been a HUGE year for us. Our readership more than doubled, we had our three-part live music series at Annex Wreckroom in the summer and we got to check out some of the hottest shows and chat with the best bands this city has to offer.

We can't wait to keep getting bigger and bigger, which is why we're currently in the planning stages of making 2009 our best year yet! It's going to be exciting, just wait and see!

Tonight we're headed to the Kathedral to check out Lacerda and Brighter Bightest. We'll be chatting with Lacerda, so check back tomorrow to see what these guys have planned for the New Year. Over the holidays we'll also be reviewing a ton of CDs and then kick starting it all over again in January.

TMS would like to thank you for all of your support over this past year. None of this would have been possible without you. We've been having a blast and we hope you've enjoyed yourselves discovering new bands and checking out shows.

Have a safe and happy Christmas/Holiday and New Years. Can't wait to see you in 2009!

Lots of love and, of course, rock!

- Sheena and TJ

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I get on the TTC

Hello loyal blog readers!!!

The TMS camp has been busy these days organizing contributors and trying to cover as much material as possible. Last night we caught Verge's free Arkells and Moneen show at Tattoo Rock Parlour and had a blast! The sets were super tight and the place was PACKED! Moneen was obviously the hit of the night as they haven't played the t-dot in far too long. In fact, last time I saw them live was when we interviewed Kenny at Wakestock 07 and before that was bamboozle in Jersey! I used to see these kids all the time when they were rocking the Brampton scene. They're currently working on some new material and played some of their new songs, which are amazing. We're definitely looking forward to checking that record out.

There will be tons of new content coming up over the next couple weeks, so stay tuned for that!

JUST FOR FUN you should check out Randal Paul's song "I Get On (the TTC)." Trust me, you will appreciate this hilarious rap!!